The free institutions which the inhabitants of the United States possess, and the political rights of which they make so much use, remind every citizen, and in a thousand ways, that he lives in society. They every instant impress upon his mind the notion that it is the duty as well as the interest of (citizens) to make themselves useful to their fellow creatures.

Alexis de Tocqueville,
Democracy in America, 1835

As he journeyed across the young America, Alexis de Tocqueville observed our forebearers’ impulse to join together for the common good. Even today, across our deep political divide, Americans are uniting in record numbers to help clean our air, protect our waters, preserve open space, and lend a hand to those in need.

Commonalities, Inc., is a nonprofit consulting firm that applauds and supports this American spirit by providing communications and technology support, strategic planning, assessment, and fund development services for institutions promoting the common good, such as libraries, museums, and arts organiations, land trusts, cooperatives, and CSAs, and academic institutions.


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